How to clean inside the Amana air conditioner

 When you get a new air conditioner, it performs at its best, cools rapidly, and is highly efficient. However, as the system is used and ages, the efficiency and cooling abilities dwindle. The good news is there are things you can do to help your AC system.

Cleaning of air filters

To clean air filters, you can use a special vacuum cleaner to clean lint, dust, and dirt from filters. You can rinse the filters under running water, pre-extract the filters from the air conditioner as shown in the picture below, then let them dry and return them to their place.

Cleaning of ventilation screen

Turn off the air conditioning power, remove or lift the front of the cabinet, unscrew the chassis and gently pull it out of the wall sleeve until the ventilation screen is available, use the vacuum cleaner to clean it. Return everything in reverse sequence.

Cleaning of cabinet front

Disconnect the unit from the power supply, and wipe the front visible part of the case from dust and other dirt with a cloth soaked in water. Make sure that water does not enter the control panel and other electrical components during cleaning.

No chemical cleaners should be used; it is better to use warm water or biodegradable detergent for this cleaning. Chemical cleaners can irrevocably damage the air conditioner.

Annual Cleaning and Maintenance

Annual inspection and cleaning are rather complicated procedures, which must be carried out by qualified specialists because the hard-to-reach components of the Amana conditioner are cleaned according to the instructions given in the manual conditioner. This is important both for your own safety and that of your device. If you do not perform such cleaning at least once a year, pollution can lead to fire risk.

Depending on the area in which you live, the Amana air conditioner may accumulate various spores, mold, and fungi, as well as garbage. The presence of pets, recent repairs, or living near a construction site are also very influential.

Annual maintenance and cleaning of Amana air conditioner include:

  • cleaning of the wall sleeve;
  • checking the tightness and evenness of the wall sleeve;
  • thorough cleaning of the base tray and the condenser coil;
  • airtightness check to ensure proper and safe operation of the air conditioner.

Safe ADC provides Amana air conditioners cleaning and maintenance services, as well as the following list of services:

  • Amana portable air conditioner cleaning;
  • Amana Heating and air conditioning cleaning;
  • amana window air conditioner cleaning;
  • Amana central air conditioner cleaning;
  • Amana furnace cleaning;
  • Amana air conditioner filter cleaning;
  • Amana air conditioner filter repair and replacement.

By investing in an Amana air conditioner, you get the opportunity to keep your home cool and comfortable with the least financial and energy costs.



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